2024 Red Cliffs R&P Range Pistol League
The RCRPR will host a bi-weekly CMP (Civilian Marksmanship Program) sanctioned 22 L.R. pistol league, May – September 2024. The individual 900-point matches will be conducted on Tuesday evenings with the date/time details listed below. The program will follow the 2024 Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) Competition Pistol Rules.
Program Registration
Program is open to RCRPR members and non-members (15 years of age or older). $100.00 at start of program pays for all 10 matches and is payable in full on May 7, 2024. Walk-ins are welcome, if space permits, but each person will pay the standard club $15.00/day fee (includes members).
League scores will be sent to the CMP for compilation and participants will earn a participation certificate and awards (top three score averages) from the CMP. Safety procedures, program rules, equipment, range commands, target scoring etc. will be reviewed at the program dates below.
Program Dates/Time
Dates: May 7, May 21, June 4, June 18, July 2, July 16, August 6, August 20, August 27 & Sept. 10.
Time: 6:30 p.m. Please arrive at 6:00 p.m. to setup and post target frames and targets.
Red Cliffs Rifle & Pistol Main Range
1044 S Shooting Sports Park Rd., Hurricane, UT 84737 (2 miles past the DMV)
Program Rules
2024 Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) Competition Pistol Rules will apply. Rules can be downloaded from: CMP Pistol Competition Rules https://thecmp.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2024-Pistol-Rules.pdf
FIREARMS: Rimfire (Any safe 22 L.R. pistol or revolver): See Rules 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 for details.
SIGHTS (rule 4.2.1): Metallic, telescopic or electronic sights are permitted with the exception of a sight that projects an image onto the target (e.g. laser sights).
POSITION (rule 5.1.1): All shooting is done from the standing position using one hand, and no support is allowed.
Exception: Participants may shoot two-handed, but scores will not be sent to the CMP for compilation/awards.
Course of Fire
The “900” match consists of 90 shots fired in 10 shot series (nine targets) as follows:
SLOW FIRE MATCH (50 yards):
- Two Slow Fire NRA B-6 targets, 10 shot strings, 10 minutes/string, 20 shots total
- One Slow Fire NRA B-6 target (50 yards), 10 shot string, 10 minutes/string, 10 shots total
- One Timed-Fire NRA B-8 target (25 yards), 5 shot strings, 2 strings/target, 20 seconds/string, 10 shots total
- One Rapid-Fire NRA B-8 target (25 yards), 5 shot strings, 2 strings/target, 10 seconds/string, 10 shots total
TIMED FIRE (25 yards):
- Two Timed-Fire NRA B-8 targets, 5 shot strings, 2 strings/target, 20 seconds/string, 20 shots total
RAPID FIRE (25 yards):
- Two Rapid-Fire NRA B-8 targets, 5 shot strings, 2 strings/target, 10 seconds/string, 20 shots total
Essential Equipment to Bring:
Pistol(s) (with two or more magazines), 90 rounds of ammunition (bring extra for alibi/re-fire strings), ECI/chamber flag, eye & ear protection, spotting scope or binoculars, target stapler (with staples), clipboard, pen, chair & drinking water.
For more information contact: Tony Hundal Mobile: (810) 877-1922
Email: tenxbulls3y3@gmail.com